Top 3 Signs You Need To Interlock Your Patios & Driveways

Top 3 Signs You Need To Interlock Your Patios & Driveways

Interlocking your patios and driveways is the best way to increase your house’s curb appeal. They are not only customizable but are also cost-efficient and require low maintenance.

Moreover, they are perhaps one of the most durable options to install on your patios, driveways and pool decks.

If they are correctly installed by a certified landscaping expert they will most likely last for more than 30 years and can bear all types of weather conditions such as frigid winters, heavy rains, snowstorms and the blistering heat.

Furthermore, the pavers won’t crack or crumble beneath the heavyweight and can bear a lot of weight because of the way they are manufactured.

But if they are not installed properly they will not be able to withstand the harsh weather conditions and will break and you will need to re-interlock your patios and driveways.

So make sure that you hire a certified landscape company to interlock your patios and driveways.

This blog post will outline the top 3 signs you might need to interlock your patios & driveways.

Top Signs You Need To Interlock Your Patio & Driveways

The base of the interlock is the key to the longevity and foundation of the pavers so if they are not installed properly the foundation will not be strong enough to bear the harsh weather conditions and will require repair.

So make sure you hire a certified landscaping company and get your interlock base installed properly this way your interlock will last a long time.

Here are the top 3 signs you need to interlock your patios and driveways:

Sinking Pavers

In the event of poor installation, you will be able to detect cracks in your interlock just by looking at your pavers. They will not only begin to sink into the ground but will look tattered and out of place.

To avoid this, before installing your pavers, excavate the ground and remove all the unconsolidated subgrade materials, once that is done you will need to compact the paver base.

When the foundation of your interlock is not equal the pavers can’t sit perfectly on the foundation and will start to crack after a few days.

Moreover when the foundation starts to sink it increases the chances of the whole interlock collapsing so you can’t put weight on your driveway once you see the interlock sinking.

The best way to avoid this scenario is by hiring a certified landscaping company, these certified companies have trained professional landscaping experts who know how to properly interlock patios and driveways.

Sealing Pavers

Another reason you might need to re-interlock your patio pavers can be because they were not sealed properly during installation.

There are a plethora of advantages if you seal your pavers properly such as your pavers will maintain their colour and finish as though they were newly installed, proper sealing will minimise surface damage and in case of spillage, your pavers won’t become stained.

Also, properly sealed pavers are easier to clean and maintain as compared to pavers that are not sealed properly.

Moreover, properly sealed pavers are a long time investment, as you won’t have to re-seal your pavers for a long time.

Shifting Pavers

If while interlocking your patios you don’t properly restrain the pavers with edge restraints you will notice your pavers will start to shift.

This can also happen if there is a lot of build-up between the joints of the pavers or if the metal or plastic edging dislodges after a long harsh winter season.

Moreover, even if they are not shifting but still appear uneven they will cause safety issues and will become dangerous, especially for the elderly.

So, to avoid any accident it is better that you hire a certified landscaping expert and get your interlock reinstalled as soon as you see them shifting.

From heavy water saturation to wear and tear all of this can be mitigated if the interlock pavers are properly installed.

About Burl-Oak Landscaping

Getting your patios interlocked, renovated and remodelled is a process that demands precision. Therefore, it is better to hire a reliable landscaping firm that can offer you the right expertise. Burl-Oak Landscaping is your reliable landscaping contractor with the right experience. Contact us today for more information.